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Celebrating the hundreds of people over the last 25 years who transformed their lives.
Just a few words on what you can look forward to.
"As a busy corporate manager struggling with menopause, Sonia’s nutrition program was a
lifesaver for me. Her tailored plan for “women on the go”, designed for my specific health conditions, was easy to follow yielded and incredible results. I regained my energy, enthusiasm, focus and concentration and transformed my health. Sonia now lives in my kitchen, in my grocery shopping list and in the life of my family. This book is a testament of Sonia's invaluable expertise. I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone."
“A must-read powerful life’s journey of an amazing woman, mother, cancer survivor, chef,
culinary genius and nutrition visionary with actual how-to info that could change or even save
your life. Wow!”
"I began my journey with Sonia when I was at a lifetime low in terms of diet and my body's
ability to manage daily demands. I learned so much about nutrition and the unique needs of my
body that I became able to thrive again. Bad habits turned into good habits, a springboard to
better, healthier, happier living! Sonia’s natural approach to being well by changing bodies and
external stresses has been incredibly restorative. She has given me a new and effective toolkit for
life! Thank you!"
"Sonia is a SHERO who has shared her story in my book S.H.E., Here in her own book, she
takes her incredible knowledge and experience to a whole new level, empowering us with an
invaluable guide for taking charge of our own health and wellness. The clarity and simplicity of
her words, helping us to activate our seven superpowers, stimulates self-surveillance and self-exploration. There’s a bedrock of health and wellness to discover in these pages. A treasure trove redefines what the best version of you can be.
“Get ready to be well, to love, your body and your yourself. Sonia taught me to focus on eating
one ingredient foods to balance my gut and my overall health. She is a fabulous chef and my
husband and I have enjoyed many wonderful Sonia Marie dinners. Be kind to yourself, put your
health first with Sonia Marie because if you have your health, you will have everything else,
including true beauty shining from within not wasting your wealth on being sick.“
“I have had to pack away a few pair of pants for donating as I don’t plan to ever wear them again. I no longer take my p.m. dosage of prilosec! No more acid reflux when I go to bed! This is incredible!!! Many more ‘no-more’s’. I’m sure but these are major ones that ruled my daily diet. And to top it off I’ve now lost 20 lbs… Yay!”
“Working with Sonia simply works! Our whole family has enjoyed learning to eat healthy, amazing, good tasting and good-for-you food. Sure, it was hard at first…..our mainstream grocery stores don’t make it easy. I wanted my family, especially my girls, to know what real food tasted like and learn to love it. I can honestly say that they do now. Sonia’s recipes and guidance have been priceless to me and she has helped my family eat healthier, understand food and enjoy it all at the same time!”
“My experience with Sonia Marie’s 3 month program was amazing. In the three months I went from 122 pounds to 112 pounds. Not only did I lose 10 pounds, I also gained so much knowledge for a healthier lifestyle. I learned all about the great benefits of organic foods, drinking lots of filtered water, taking the right vitamins, and exercising daily."
“When I began with Sonia I immediately did the 10 day detox. This was a great way to jump start my new healthier lifestyle. I saw results right away and it made me want to continue with this way of living. It was not just a diet for me, it was a change in lifestyle.”
“By making better choices I not only looked better but I felt great. I had more energy and my mood enhanced greatly. I also built a great friendship with Sonia and I now know that if I ever needed her for anything she would be there for me. Anytime I had a question she was able to answer it for me right away. It was nice to have Sonia’s love and support. I believe she truly cares about her clients and wants the absolute best for everyone.”
“I would recommend anyone to do a program with Sonia knowing that they would receive great benefits! It is definitely something worth experiencing and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to do the three month program with Sonia Marie! Thank you so much for everything Sonia!!” - Taylor F.
“Sonia not only encouraged me to join her detox program, but showed me the benefits that food can have for my overall health. In just 10 short days I had more energy, a deeper understanding of my inner-workings, AND I shed some pounds. Sonia’s story is motivational and her spirit is contagious.” - Anna H.
“I was wanting to lose weight and what I got out of it was so much more! I’m making better food choices and I’m so much more aware of what is going into my body and how it effects my health I’m more positive and happy with my life and body!” - Tammy C.

“I’m sleeping better than I ever have and I lost 10 pounds only 2 more lbs to go to hit my goal weight!!!! This journey has been amazing and life changing.” – Tim R.
“I have had to pack away a few pair of pants for donating as I don’t plan to ever wear them again. I no longer take my p.m. dosage of prilosec! No more acid reflux when I go to bed! This is incredible!!! Many more ‘no-more’s’. I’m sure but these are major ones that ruled my daily diet. And to top it off I’ve now lost 20 lbs… Yay!” – Janet A.
“I feel like my life is really changing and all for the better! I have learned so much from Sonia and even though I expect the road to still be long I will not take a wrong turn thanks to you! ” – Jan M.
“Your passion and love for your work and clients is so contagious, that the excitement flows right over into our sessions.” – Christy H.
“She has not only been walking besides me through this, she’s been the one who tugs me thorough and pushing me along. This made the difference and why I lost a total of 4 dress size so far… because of Sonia and her program the encouragement and explanations and the recipes and vitamins. I am no longer a pre-diabetic and my skin has clear up! The stomach problems I use to have are gone and I am actually sleeping through the night. It’s everything, it’s the way I have taken back my life! It’s me making the decisions and that feels so good to know I have the power, not the food. It’s me choosing to be healthy and having that power does my body and my soul good and for that I am thankful to Sonia.” – Nancy D.
“Each session is like a discovery into the fun of healthy living” – Nikki T.

“Sonia focuses on total body health, including mind and spirit. Sonia brings enthusiasm and excitement to each of her sessions. I have worked with several nutritionists and health coaches, and she is by far the best I have ever had. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to change their life.” – Nicole S.
“The 21 Day Slim & Sexy Challenge taught me how to get in the routine of healthy eating, and made it so easy to continue after the 21 days was over!” – Pauleen S.
“The 21 Day Slim & Sexy Challenge is the absolute best way to kick off your healthy eating journey! It truly takes you step-by-step through the motions to get you used to preparing your own food, working out, and getting on a schedule. And as hard as it may sound, it’s the easiest 21 days ever! I promise that it’s easier than figuring out where you’re going to eat your next meal!” - Morgan V.

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